What should be the relationship between a man and woman in society?

Relationship means a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries. In our everyday conversations, we often use the word "relationship" in that one specific way. So when you ask someone whether they are in a relationship, they will answer "no" as long as they are not in a coupled relationship.
"Relationship," though is a great big word. It covers all sorts of human connections, including ties to friends, parents, children, siblings, other family members, coworkers, neighbors, mentors, and more.
People have forgotten what it is like for a man and women to sit down and have a long conversation and enjoy the company. There should not be any pressure to take a situation into the next phase or anywhere that you are not ready for to be at in the near future. At the same time if you know that someone would like to move on and you shouldn't continue to waste the time and resources that they are spending on you. We focus on what is sensational about relationships but rarely recognize those that are in healthy relationships. There will be times when emotions are high and people are passionate about each other but that are not typically the case. Women want to experience that in their relationships every day of the rest of their lives. Men want to experience that physical intimacy for the rest of their lives.

All of what I have applied to the idea of people thinking that love is critical can also be applied to the idea of sex. You do not really need to engage yourself in that way with someone. The need is not one that is physical; it is a psychological need to bond with someone and have a shared experience with them. This is not to say that a human being does not need physical contact, but that contact does not necessarily have to be sexual in nature. We are in a culture that says that it is crucial in order to maintain intimacy, but too often finds intimacy in perversion. The two do not have anything to do with each other.

You can have a relationship with someone on that level and still lack what you really need, because you have substituted what you want in a physical relationship with someone to make up for your psychological and emotional needs.
People talk about love and throw that term around loosely. Love is one part of a relationship but it is not the destination. People that have not experienced the beauty that is within having the love you have for someone else reciprocated think that love is a destination. Love is simply a necessary ingredient for a healthy relationship, but it is not the status quo. A lot of people that are in relationships that one simply assumes are in love are not and have not been in love for a long time. Human adapt to the situation that they are in and can stay in relationships forever for all of the wrong reasons.

There always can be a true friendship between boys and girls. A friend only can be your perfect someone to share your everything. A true friend not a friend is very much necessary to lead a life with happiness. Yes, it’s absolutely right. But our parents think about the relationship matter between “Boy and Girl”. Is it possible to keep existence a friendship relation between a boy and a girl? There are many doubts about this issue. Someone say it is impossible to keep the ‘Friendship’ relationship between a boy and a girl for long time. Others say that yes, it is possible to keep the ‘Friendship’ relation between a boy and a girl .Whether or not a guy and a girl can be just friends depend on how the friendship started, on whether or not there is a physical attraction involved, and on the personalities of the individual..
There really is no good reason why members of the opposite sex can’t have important and close friendships with one another. Objections to these types of friendships come from a crude cultural belief that all guys view girls as sexual objects first and real people second. This is just plain stupid and does a disservice to males and females.


  1. a perfect description of relationship for confused mass of people who really don't understand the necessity and the real meaning of a relationship. I hope i could write a journal someday and mention all of the above!! thanks for sharing this wonderful piece of reality with us!!
